Friday, 23 March 2018

My AIBE experience - Is it really tough to pass this exam and why you need to qualify this exam ?

If you are a law student or passed out LL.B course, you must know about All India Bar Examination (AIBE). As an advocate, I also appeared in AIBE XI and passed out this exam. It is an open book exam, but the term 'exam' is enough to create stress in your mind. Most of candidates do not have clear idea about 'open book exam', also sometimes some seniors helps to create misconceptions about AIBE in fresh candidate's mind. So, I decided to share my AIBE experience because I also heard some wrong information about AIBE before appearing this exam.

Let's take a look on some common questions first:

Why you need to qualify AIBE?

I am sure many candidate does not clearly know why they need to qualify AIBE. You must need to know the fact.

According to Bar Council of India (BCI),

"It is hereby reiterated and clarified any Advocate who has graduated after 1st July, 2010 can appear in All India Bar Examination for as many times as it requires him or her to pass such exam irrespective of the fact that he or she has been enrolled for more than two years as an Advocate on a state bar council roll. The concerned advocate is only barred from practicing as an advocate, if even after two years of being enrolled as an advocate on a state bar council roll, he or she is unable to clear/pass the All India Bar Examination".

Click here to read full notification

How many times AIBE helds in a year?

All India Bar Examination helds two times in a year, once in June (generally registration starts from March) and once in December (generally registration starts from August). Also sometimes BCI changes the exam dates if they think.

Click here to read full syllabus of AIBE

What is the minimum qualification required to appear in this exam?

You must complete your LL.B course and you must be enrolled as an advocate in any State Bar Council.

Click here to read some Frequently Asked Questions about the All India Bar Examination

Is Advocate's Id Card is needed to appear this exam?

Advocate's id card is not required for AIBE registration. You may apply for Advocate's id card at State Bar Council even after passing the AIBE.

How BCI responds if you call or email them about AIBE?

BCI is very helpful regarding AIBE via call or email. You can visit official website of AIBE to find the email id and contact no of BCI.

Click here to visit official website of AIBE

How was my AIBE experience?

I appeared in AIBE XI which was held on 3rd Dec, 2017 ( 10 am to 1 pm), my exam center was JIS University (Narula Institute), Agartala, Kolkata, West Bengal. Honestly writing that I did not take any special preparation for AIBE. But I had followed some previous AIBE questions and understood that Bare Act is enough to answer the AIBE questions. I knew that Constitution, CPC, CrPC and Evidence bare act must be carried but I did not find my CPC bare act and went to the exam center without it. When I reached the spot, I found many candidates were carrying trolley bags with full of books. This was really very surprising to me, I know it's an open book exam, but it doesn't mean you need to carry all books in your bookshelf. The gate of the hall opened at specified time and we entered into the exam hall. I found that there is no Roll no. sticker in the benches of the room. So we sit on the benches as per our own choice. Then the exam started. As I did not have all bare acts or books or notes, I was little bit scared about how could I answer all the questions. But during the exam I found that everybody were transferring their books with each other and my problem was solved. There are 4 sets of questions (A,B,C,D). As expected, I found that the questions are really easy if you have all bare acts. Even the guard are also easy. I had tried to answer most of the questions correctly and also answered some questions by guess as there is no negative marks for wrong answer. I had done my exam well and I was sure about my result. One thing I observed during my exam that if you carried too many thick books, you will be puzzled to find out the answer of the question. Bare act is enough to find out the answers more easily.

Moreover I think Bar Council takes this exam to ensure whether the advocate at least have ability to find answer from book or not. Anyone can easily qualify this exam if at least he has ability to find out answers from books or bare acts.

All the best to the AIBE candidates.

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